Manage your excess cash and working capital. Make sure your funds are available when you need them––while we put idle funds to work for you and your business with one of the following solutions.
Simplifies banking for Companies with multiple deposit locations and multiple banking relationships by concentrating cash into one primary deposit account at ANBTX.
Concentrate cash into your primary ANBTX account
Concentrate all your Company funds into one master operating account, and automatically fund any payments from subsidiary accounts as needed. Manage and monitor multiple accounts through a single disbursement system.
Make every dollar count—eliminate the routine of manually calculating your investment position. Instead, automatically sweep excess balances into an ANBTX FDIC Insured Cash Sweep account or use excess funds to pay down debt.
It's important to make saving a part of doing business. We have several options to help you save for your business goals, including our liquid Business Savings and Money Market accounts, Certificates of Deposit (CDs) and our CDARs Program.